Thursday, 16 October 2014

The Political Parties Source 2

The following is an extract from Maltese Historian Herbert Ganado (7 April 1906 - 8 April 1979) talking about the Partito Anti-Riformista's views. 

Source 2 

"The Maltese, at least those of the educated class, wanted to preserve Italian because it had been fpr hundreds of years the cultural language of their forebears (fathers and grandfathers). They also wanted to enjoy and remember this culture in order to show the British, who looked down their noses at us and who at that time treated us like 'natives', that Malta was part of Europe and had had a European civilisation long before they had come to turn us into a simple colony ruled by London and the Malta militia" 

Is this a Primary or Secondary source? 

Why does Herbert Ganado mention that the British treated the Maltese like 'natives'? 

What are the reasons for which Herbert Ganado says that Italian is important for the Maltese? 

Having already analysed Source 1, do you think the working class cared about maintaining the Italian culture in Malta? Why?


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