Patrick Keenan, who investigated the Education System in 1878
He discovered a number of worrying things:
- Teachers were badly paid and not properly trained to
teach English, since they had received most of their education in
- Schools were not adequate to host students in them, with some lacking playgrounds, whilst also being very stuffy
- Textbooks were also not adequate for the level of the students.
- The level of students was very low and Keenan also commented about how loud students were.
- Most students would repeat the same year until they left to find work at the age of 11.
He suggested a number of points to improve the situation in Malta
- The English language started to be enforced much
more in State schools. This meant that Italian was made less important.
Thus the process of Anglicization had now become very strong.
- His opinion of the way forward was strongly 'English, and English only'.
- Maltese students would be introduced to English via Maltese whilst Italian
would be removed and become only an optional subject before or after school
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